Automate successful experiments
Turn successful experiments into always-on automations by assigning proven actions to new subscribers.
Subsets continuously monitors performance, learns, and adjusts to improve over time.













Turn successful retention flows into automations
Subsets turns successful experiments into always-on automations, applying proven retention strategies to subscribers as they enter an audience.
Continuous monitoring performance
Subsets continuously monitors audience performance to ensure treatments remain effective over time.
Track performance trends, long-term retention, lifetime value, and engagement. Maintain a small control group to measure impact with confidence over time.
Dynamic audience management
Turn successful experiments into always-on automations by dynamically assigning proven actions to new subscribers as they enter an audience.
Customize audience rules with cool-down periods and prioritizations between audiences.

The depth and breadth of the results analysis we can generate from Subsets has been invaluable. We are aiming to turn validated experiments into 'always on' and let Subsets select subscribers for targeting and trigger the campaigns.

Grow revenue from your existing subscribers
Learn how leading subscription media businesses manage retention with AI.

requesting a demo!