
Easily run sophisticated experiments

Set up A/B tests across your stack, without coding.
Remove analysis bottlenecks with insights into retention and engagement metrics automatically.

Experiment across your tools and channels

Run experiments on predictive subscriber audiences directly through your existing channels and tools. Experiment with retention, engagement, and upsell strategies while tracking the impact in real-time, automatically within Subsets.

Automate results analysis across your key metrics

Automatically track and understand the impact of your experiments across key metrics like retention rate and lifetime value, as well as engagement metrics like sessions, pageviews, and articles read.

Follow key metrics in real-time

Track the metrics that matter most for your experiments, without needing engineering support.

Automatically analyze key metrics like retention rate and lifetime value in real-time, alongside engagement metrics such as sessions, pageviews, and articles read.

Detect statistical significance

Automatically calculate sample size and time left before results can be reviewed and analyzed.

‍Detect when experiments achieve statistical significance across your preferred metrics, and confidently turn successful results into automations.

Follow the impact in real time

Get a clear, real-time view of how your experiments and initiatives are performing. Track engagement, retention, and conversion metrics as they happen, ensuring you stay on top of every outcome.

The depth and breadth of the results analysis we can generate from Subsets has been invaluable. We are aiming to turn validated experiments into 'always on' and let Subsets select subscribers for targeting and trigger the campaigns.

Andy Wilson
Head of Subscriber Retention @ Daily Mail

Grow revenue from your existing subscribers

Learn how leading subscription media businesses manage retention with AI.

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